Ides Master concept for Energy- and process industries

    Nuclear Power

    During more than 20 years Ides development has been influenced and executed in collaboration with all Swedish Nuclear Power Plants in order to create a system platform for technical data and documentation supporting the asset lifecycle from system design, detailed design, trial run and hand over to maintenance and operations. With a clear task we are aimed to achieve maximal safety and availability.

    Hydro Power

    To have control of hydro power plants condition and technical status is a requirement for planning of future investments and maintenance.  With Master concept all plant technical information is managed during the whole lifecycle and support for design and documentation in all refurbishment projects.

    Electricity, Gas, Water

    Production and distribution of electricity, gas, distributed heating and water are the key functions for our society. Due to this, safety requirements are high and there is a huge demand of controlling plant information, design projects, documentations and maintenance. With a standardized platform of plant data management for better collaboration and planning , huge cost savings can be made.

    Renewable Energy – Wind Power and Solar Energy

    Wind Power and Solar Energy areas are those who are in fast development and transformation with the introduction of new technologies and product solutions. Characteristics for the Renewable energy sector is the fewer volume of projects and choice of technical solution in every project. The control and accessibility of plant documentation is critical for the task to achieve maximum availability and reduced lifecycle cost.

    Power Transmission

    Availability of the National Grid and Regional Grid is vital for a functioning society. Therefore, the requirements for all technical data and documentation both from the perspective of safety but also relevance of the technical content such as construction projects, refurbishment projects, are high.

    Power Distribution

    Design, construction and maintenance of the power distribution grid are all processes to create and manage technical document. With Ides Master concept you will have control of all technical asset information and documentation including support for information sharing between stakeholders.

    Critical and complex systems and facilities in Energy- and Process Industries require Traceability, Availability and Searchability

    • Faster to solve problems

    • A platform for future analyzes of improvements

    • Reduced cost

    Reduced cost and Increased reliability in operations

    Energy and process industries endeavour constant to keep availability and reliability in complex plants and distribution grids. It means that asset management, operation and maintenance is critical for business.  Disturbances during operation results in huge consequences for society, environment and profitability. Essential for a safe operation with a minimum of disturbances is the handling and management of technical information of the plant and how it is configured.

    Each plant is built for a long life-span and during this period there are constantly new modification projects for adding latest technology, increasing safety, reliability and availability. All new projects during the entire lifecycle include many stakeholders and therefore require an IT-platform to support the entire lifecycle complexity. From design and technical register to maintenance system, the plant needs to be maintained and asset information must to be handled in an effective way.

    Ides Master concept – a total solution and data platform for the entire lifecycle of assets

    The core in our solution is Plant Management System which is developed together with the Swedish Energy and Utility industry since 1993. It is designed to specially supports customers operating in Energy, production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, district heating and water. In combination with solution for all type of Design and integrations with CAD, Ides Master concept have solutions for:

    • Efficient support for design tools and document management of assets
    • A unique asset structure for objects and Equipments based on international standards such as IEC, ISO, and KKS
    • Full transparency between database and CAD documents
    • Management of the entire plant lifecycle
    • Project management with support for all plant stages from “as-designed” to “as-built”
    • Ides Engineering Data HUB for synchronisation and exchange:
      • Among all stakeholders in the Design and Engineering process, suppliers and all others who create information and documentation during the design phase
      • Among the project, ERP and EAM systems such as maintenance, inventory, procurement and project administration
    • Higher efficiency in design and reduced cost

    • Shorter project lead time with increased quality

    • Faster to reach reliability in operations

    • Increased reliability

    • Increased safety
